getting started

EP. 63 The Scary Reality Of Not Getting Help

The entire Halloween season is about pretend stuff that’s meant to make our imaginations run wild and scare us. However, I think that reality is much scarier than any commercialized holiday could ever be. Think about those pumpkins with “student loans” or a “check engine” light on them...things like that prove that everyday stuff is scarier than any spider or haunted house could ever be. When it’s a scary movie you can just turn it off and walk away, when it’s your mental health or piles of debt, you can’t.

In this episode, I’m sharing how to defeat the darkness that is consuming your life and what the scary reality of not getting help could look like.

Decorating for Christmas on a Budget

Decorating for Christmas on a Budget

Decorating for Christmas is one of those things that's really more of a "want" than it is a "need"...but it just makes us so dang happy that it's hard to completely skip it! Today, I want to share a few frugal Christmas decorating tips with you that helped me during my tightest budgeting Holiday Seasons!