how to get over a failure

EP. 119 Moving On From Failure

EP. 119 Moving On From Failure

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.” - Denis Waitley

I have failed in my time and it was during those failures where I learned who I was, what I wanted out of life, and what not to do next time. The first 2 years of my oldest daughter’s life are painful to reminisce. I was drowning in a job that took over my entire life, I had clutter and debt and then I had a miscarriage. It was horrible, chaotic, and emotionally draining, to say the least. I didn’t have a budget, I didn’t know how to manage my life and overall — I was a mess.

I decided to get intentional about my life when I hit a breaking point. I quit my job and became a SAHM. It took me about a year to recover, unwind and clean up the mess we had made. It hurts to look back and it hurts to feel like those years were thrown away in an abyss, but the reality is that I learned my grit and my grace in those trying times.

Keep waking up. Keep moving forward. Keep showing up For yourself and the people you love. It is all worth it when you triumph over your failures and fears.