EP. 137 5 Steps to Financial Freedom

EP. 137 5 Steps to Financial Freedom

No one has said “I want a crappy life, with crappy things, making no money.”

That’s why, it is a sticking point for me, that you need money for all the things you truly deserve and all the things you dream of. Things like a paid-off home, travel adventures and a secure future.

In order to do that, we have to lay the financial groundwork so to speak. These are 5 steps to financial freedom…

EP. 136 Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

EP. 136 Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

I think we all have realized at this point, that our financial situation has the ability to change overnight. With COVID, lockdowns, and crashing stock markets, we aren’t as secure as we originally thought. So... what do we do about it? Welcome to the world of multiple income streams and how to leverage them to build security AND wealth.

EP. 135 You Don't Buy Things With Money

EP. 135 You Don't Buy Things With Money

"We don't buy things with money, we buy them with hours of our lives." -Joshua Becker

When you change your mindset to buying things with time instead of money, that's when your entire world changes.

Once you realize that life is too short to spend it chasing frivolous things...

Once you realize that you, your partner, or both of you, are going to spend time away from your family working each day...

Once you realize that it's not money its time...

You'd better have something more than debt and tired feet to show for it!

EP. 134 Don't F with The IRS

EP. 134 Don't F with The IRS

Since it's tax day, it's finally time to open up about my story about what happens when you're 3 years behind on property taxes, don't properly pay your business's sale tax, and when the IRS comes after you because you failed to claim all of your income.

If you're scared... well, you should be!

EP. 133 Money Is Emotional

EP. 133 Money Is Emotional

It’s financial literacy month, which means my social media feeds are ablaze with tips and information all surrounding personal finance. I love this time of year, because we are coming out of hibernation and setting our sites on how we can improve ourselves. A spring cleaning of our personal finances and emotional lives is a wonderful, fresh way to celebrate spring.

With all of that being said, I want to touch on the subject of money and emotions. We have this incorrect notion that money is removed from feeling. It’s too cerebral… too analytical, but I am here to tell you that money, specifically personal finance, tells me everything I need to know about a person's priorities and emotions.

In this episode, I expand on this idea and how you can improve your financial and emotional wellbeing today! Don't forget: Money is emotional!

EP. 132 Financial Empowerment For Women

EP. 132 Financial Empowerment For Women

The future is female, and in this International Women's Month episode on A Sunny Side Up Life, we speak to why this is an absolute truth.

The gender pay gap, divorce statistics and the reality of predatory practices like the pink tax, make financial literacy for women not just a luxury -- but a necessity.

We are claiming a seat at the table -- and it's long overdue.

EP. 131 5 Different Debt Payoff Methods and What Could Work for YOU!

EP. 131 5 Different Debt Payoff Methods and What Could Work for YOU!

Did you know that there are more than 2 ways to pay off debt? Most of us have heard of the Debt Snowball Method and the Debt Avalanche Method -- but have you heard of the Most-Hated Debt Method? What about the Highest Monthly Payment Method?

In this episode I’m exploring other options and methods when it comes to paying off your debt and what could work for you and your family during your financial independence journey.

EP. 130 A Year Into COVID

EP. 130 A Year Into COVID

This is officially the worst anniversary ever -- and while I’m absolutely not celebrating the year of COVID-19, I am definitely reflecting on it. ⁠

I am thinking of how I learned (even more) the importance of holding my loved ones close. Of not taking for granted what we have, of not hoarding things other people may need (lookin’ at you, TP) and, above all, how this season of life will change all others. ⁠

If I can take away one single thing this year, it's to be kind to one another.

EP. 129 Your Mindset Is Holding You Back

EP. 129 Your Mindset Is Holding You Back

A scarcity mindset is the belief that there will never be enough, resulting in feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. Does this sound familiar? Is your life in a scarcity state? Do you, “Well, that’s just the way it is,” instead of changing your frame of mind and seeking out your own happiness? Do you sit in negativity?

You're not alone and negative thoughts are normal, BUT the reality is that these thoughts and these patterns are holding you back from your potential. They're holding you back from your best life!

EP. 128 You’re Worth More Than Money

EP. 128  You’re Worth More Than Money

In our society, where money and is the popularized pinnacle of success, it’s easy to correlate self worth with income. Here’s your reality check: Your worth isn't dependent upon the amount of money you make. I want you to read that again. Your worth isn't dependent upon the amount of money you make. Our worth is not dependent on how productive you, how busy you are, or how much you make for a living— no matter how much our world tries to convince you otherwise. You are worthy by simply existing.

EP. 127 Getting Through The Darkness

EP. 127 Getting Through The Darkness

Without darkness there would be no light. Without sadness there would be no joy. Without the low times, you wouldn’t feel the high ones.

In order to live a full life, you can’t experience just happiness, you must go through life events and situations that will make you appreciate that happiness.

The truth is that your struggles are not against you, they are FOR YOU.

They present themselves to give you an opportunity to prove yourself, to strengthen yourself and to figure out your true grit (Thanks, John Wayne).

Sometimes you just have to stay strong through the winters + have faith that spring will come again.

EP. 126 The Importance of Hobbies

EP. 126 The Importance of Hobbies

When was the last time you did something that you truly enjoyed? Something that didn’t need a reason for doing? Something that you didn’t directly profit from?

In this week’s episode, we’re talking about the importance of hobbies in life. I give you a (soft) kick in the butt about why you need to carve out time to live a life you truly love — and why you deserve to experience joy.

EP. 125 Sami Goal Summit: My 2021 Goals

Setting goals can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. The “What ifs” tend to sneak up on me and cut through even the strongest determination and motivation I have. But not to fear!

That’s normal — but it isn’t something that keeps me from setting goals or achieving them! In this episode, I go over my goal-setting process, how I “reconcile” my goals throughout the year and how I stick to realistic expectations when setting any goal.

EP. 124 Impulse Shopping Isn't The Problem: You Are

EP. 124 Impulse Shopping Isn't The Problem: You Are

Impulse Shopping Isn’t the Problem: You Are

Ouch… that stings, right? But it’s (unfortunately) the truth. There is a silver lining to this though because if you’re the problem, you’re also the solution.

In this episode, I go over how to get to the bottom of why you’re impulse shopping, how to take action against it, and sustainable and healthy ways to cope with it.

If you’re an impulse shopper: The one’s for you.

EP. 123 Mindset + Money Mantras

EP. 123 Mindset + Money Mantras

In this episode, Morgan from @holisticbucks shares with us her journey to becoming a wealth coach and how she actively helps millennial women who avoid their finances, confidently build up their savings and start investing. Taking a holistic approach to money with an abundant mindset and powerful mantras has never felt so good!

EP. 122 How To Achieve Your Big Goals

EP. 122 How To Achieve Your Big Goals

When I turned 30 I wrote out ten dreams that I wanted to be a reality by the time I turned 40.⁠ These were big goals like “celebrate 20 years of marriage” + “hit millionaire status”. Most of them I knew would take me the entire 10 years to accomplish. In this episode I go over exactly how to achieve your big goals without getting lost along the way.

EP. 121 Recovering from 2020

EP. 121 Recovering from 2020

Oh, 2020. You came, you saw, you destroyed. As the new year comes full-steam ahead, it’s time to reflect and figure out what went right and what went terribly (most of it out of our control) wrong.

In this episode, we’re talking about how to recover from 2020 and regroup as we move forward into 2021.

EP. 120 How To Cut Out What Doesn’t Serve You

EP. 120 How To Cut Out What Doesn’t Serve You

During this time of year, we commit to new goals, new people, new material goods-- and with that mindset, more time and energy is spent.

EP. 119 Moving On From Failure

EP. 119 Moving On From Failure

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.” - Denis Waitley

I have failed in my time and it was during those failures where I learned who I was, what I wanted out of life, and what not to do next time. The first 2 years of my oldest daughter’s life are painful to reminisce. I was drowning in a job that took over my entire life, I had clutter and debt and then I had a miscarriage. It was horrible, chaotic, and emotionally draining, to say the least. I didn’t have a budget, I didn’t know how to manage my life and overall — I was a mess.

I decided to get intentional about my life when I hit a breaking point. I quit my job and became a SAHM. It took me about a year to recover, unwind and clean up the mess we had made. It hurts to look back and it hurts to feel like those years were thrown away in an abyss, but the reality is that I learned my grit and my grace in those trying times.

Keep waking up. Keep moving forward. Keep showing up For yourself and the people you love. It is all worth it when you triumph over your failures and fears.

EP. 118 Millennial Money

EP. 118 Millennial Money

As Millennials, we live with the guilt of killing thousands of industries per day. We’re lazy and we expect things to be handed to us with no effort. We need safe spaces and avocado toast to make it through the day. We have debt up to our eyeballs, get married later in life and think of plants and dogs as our kids.

If you’ve ever heard our generation chalked up to these tropes, Episode 118 is for you. Katelyn Magnuson joins Sami on A Sunny Side Up Life Podcast to discuss how Millennials are blazing their own trails and changing the conversation around norms. Especially money norms.